Dog Walkers

Our second son, Duncan and his lovely partner, Mei have been staying with us for part of the weekend. They live over the hills in Nelson and although that is only about 90 minutes’ drive away we do not see them very often. They helped me sort some books and ended going home with a set of bookshelves. On our way to walk the dogs, we dropped Keith off at the Lions monster Book Fair in a large down-town building. He had strict instructions not to come home with a load of books when we have only just donated three fully laden fish bins of books to the fair. He came home with an English/Japanese dictionary…very useful, he thought, as Mei is from Japan. But her English is perfect!
Duncan, Mei and I took the dogs for a leisurely walk along the Taylor River tracks. They were amazed at the amount of damage that recent floods have done to the river banks. In today’s blip they are walking the dogs on their leads along a section where much remedial work has been carried out. The fencing along that section is very insecure and I didn’t want the dogs to be tempted into racing off onto adjacent Wither Hills Farm Park farmland alongside the track. There is a very smelly offal pit nearby and sometimes stock is grazing in the area. “Lead us not into temptation…….”

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