Cameo 1, 2, 3

Busy day with an unexpected twist at work - nothing bad, but I can't share unfortunately. Led to no lunchtime wander. In fact, almost led to no lunch ... but had my emergency packed lunch with me :-)

A pleasant after work wander through the drizzle and then dinner and a couple of pints with the boys before coming home to a blip-browse.

I used to live just round the corner from the Cameo, which always struck me as a very civilized cinema where you can take in a pint of beer and sit in a comfyslouchy seat to enjoy your film.

Except that almost always led to needing a pee two-thirds of the way through.

Anyhow, as soon as I spotted this on my wanderings this evening I saw a triptych in a semi-Warhol-stylee.

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LOTD: Really liked the perspective and muted colours of Wonderlust's tulip blip

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