One day at a time

By Bonnabelle

Little Stig

This is Little Stig. He's an orphaned baby squirrel, around a week or two old. We found him lying on the ground alone in the woods today and calling for his Mum. They nest in trees so something was amiss.

Following advice, we warmed him up (in my friend's bosom, lol!), built a nest using a baseball cap, put him up the tree we found him under, and left him well alone for 3 hours.

We went back to check and Mum hadn't been back for him. He was freezing cold and in desperate need of a meal. So back in the boobs he went, and off to our local wildlife sanctuary.

He'll get the best possible care there, and hopefully the fragile little guy will pull through his ordeal.

Good luck Little Stig, we miss you!!

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