A Sign

All day this blowfly has been terrorising the house! He is the first one of the season!

He has buzzed around my head and landed on my food ugh! Toto halfheartedly chased him but realised pretty quickly that it was futile!

Tonight I noticed him on the blind, picked up a book and whacked in his general direction! He landed on the table looking fully intact! I rushed over and got the macro lens out and started taking photos, how gruesome I thought to myself!

On about the tenth shot I got a little shock because his legs started waggling and then he buzzed in a broken kind of way! I got a tissue and picked him up and put him outside. I watched for a minute or so until he drunkenly stood up, buzzed a bit more, shook his wings and zig zagged away,looking for his next victim!

A blowfly is a sign that the weather is changing and spring is definitely on the near horizon!

It's been a really warm couple of days but tonight as I write we have thunder, lightning and gale force winds bucketing rain and the temperature has dropped way down! Spring may have slipped away again!!

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