
By Graphicsguru


Friday night at the ball park...a company gathering...picnicking right behind the left field fence...does it get any better than that?? Well, the first half hour went great! Then it was time to go get some food and chat while watching the game from an outfield perspective.

There we are, waiting in line to fill out plates when the first drops of rain hit. Then a few more. Then the sky opened up and it poured!! There was a brief respite which fortunately came as we were eating our meal, but almost immediately afterwards, it began again with a vengeance!! So much for Friday night baseball and fireworks and picnicking. On the ride home, Mother Nature decided to up the ante even more...deluges of rain, and then a little hail to liven things up. On the bright side, the food was good, the company was great, and there were no ants!!

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