Letters to a soldier

By Jessie0908

Duvet day

Hi Dan,
Today was such a lovely duvet day, Noah and I had an ok night so we got up and decided to stay in and relax all day.
Mollie called and asked to come round so she did and she brought some pizza with her. We got the duvet out, wore baggy hoodies and just chilled all day. It was lovely. We watched four DVDs - my sisters keeper, in her shoes, the time travellers wife and definitely maybe. You'd have hated them!!! Lots of chick flicks :)
Mollie and I then tackled getting Noah to sleep - I bathed him and fed him and cuddles him, read him a story and then put him to bed. He screamed, I left him for two minutes then went back in and said I love you but it's time for bed and left again. Each time I increased the time I was away for. Oh my goodness he screamed!! It took 40 minutes but then he was asleep. I'm cheating slightly as I'm writing this the next morning but he woke between half 10 and 11 and that was it till half 5 this morning!!! Will definitely be trying it again tonight!!
All in all had a brilliant day.
Love you.

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