I am really proud of the way Mr. HCB just gets on with doing jobs in the garden and particularly the hard, manual ones.

The flower meadow that he wanted to plant hasn’t materialised for several reasons, one of which is that there are many deep rooted weeds in the plot and despite trying to get rid of them, they are very stubborn and keep coming back!

Our next door neighbour wants to get rid of some of her raised beds, complete with soil, so Mr. HCB said he would take them off her hands (or her garden to be more precise!) and put them where he had intended the meadow to go. I guess it will mean we will have more vegetables and after all, you can’t eat flowers - well not that many!

So here is Mr. HCB, my subject for MONO MONDAY in the August Challenge, digging the plot to get it ready - he said it was hard work because there are several trees outside our fence and their roots are very invasive. Perhaps we should send a bill to the local council! He worked well and just managed to get it finished before the rain came - meanwhile, I was out with a friend having coffee and came back when all the work was done - I call that good timing!

It is no use asking me or anyone else how to dig…
Better to go and watch a man digging,
and then take a spade and try to do it.
Gertrude Jekyll 1843-1932

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