my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

make do and mend

Our household was awake from 4am until 6am. Annoyingly, all it took to get the boy to sleep was to give up and take him through the sitting room to watch ten minutes of telly in a cuddle. I think Sam and I should get full points for our perseverance until that point though!
Dex was lovely through the day. Smiley, laughing, no idea of what he'd put us through the night before. I attempted to get some shut eye while he was napping but gave up after an hour. I've never been one for daytime naps. It's a skill I don't have. Sam, on the other hand, managed to get ten minutes on his lunch break!
Dexter's granny took him out for a walk this afternoon. I didn't even try to sleep this time, and instead took the time out to do some sewing. Adapted one of my summer dresses so it's suitable for breastfeeding and turned a shrunk jumper into a cushion cover. Didn't go the whole hog and set up my sewing machine. Need to soon though. I miss being creative.

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