Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi


I met Tommy this afternoon and asked him about his thoughts on the recent events in Ferguson, MO. We had a great chat and Tommy told me that while he doesn't know all the facts, it seems that the police over-reacted in the situation. He told me he can relate because, as a young African American living in Oregon, he has been the target of profiling by local police. He related an incident where the police were looking for a 45 year old black man suspected of a crime and they stopped Tommy because he "matched the description." I quickly reassured Tommy that even I didn't think he was that old!

Tommy also talked about the fact that he is trying to improve his life and recently received his GED (High School Degree). I could see the sparkle in his eyes as he talked about his accomplishment. Tommy has a certain charisma and sensibility that gives me a sense of hope - a hope that through dialogue we can begin to understand and even celebrate our differences. That we can learn to create a better world for everyone if we slow down long enough to listen and learn. It was a real pleasure talking to Tommy and I wish him well.

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