My Best Efforts - Year 3


Follow-Up to MonoMonday - Connection........

............After I had posted my entry for MonoMonday yesterday, I remembered I had a couple of old photos showing the Beck with planks going across it!

This is a photo of one of the two old photos!! - (if you see what I mean!). It isn't terribly clear but I know there were a couple of drainage pipes going across the beck as well and I can't quite make out which are pipes and which are timbers - there are a man and woman standing posing (?) on one of the homemade crossings.

More detail can be seen on large.

I have a feeling that maybe each cottage fronting the Beck made their own little bridge across - which seems a good idea as there is one of the villages pubs on the right!

I have also just noticed there is a small child sitting on the doorstep of the private entrance to the pub and also a pram - at first I thought it was parked - however I THINK I can see feet near the wheels and a vague human shape pushing it - it IS a very old photograph and I'm amazed it has copied a well as it has!

Anni is on her way home from her mission safely - am always pleased when she's home again!

Another pleasant day - sun and cloud - still breezy - Temperature at 57 Deg.F. at 11am - hope it's fine where you are.

Have a good day.

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