
By CoffeePotter

Hello New Washing Machine

Today our “New Washing Machine” arrived (note the capitalisation please).

Old Washing Machine packed up on Saturday after what we estimate to be about 14 years. Yesterday evening I sadly stroked its see-through door, and patted it on its pipes (it had been disconnected by this time). It has provided us with excellent service, with not a day out of action. A faithful OWM.

What a tart I am! When I arrived home from work this evening, NWM was installed and plumbed in, and had done its first load (with a little help from Nikonabike). Its first load was a massive test for it, as it was an entire laundry bag full – what would have been about three loads in OWM.

I've now (almost) forgotten OWM and in fact I haven't even asked N if he shed a tear as it rolled away down the drive.

This is a view from inside NWM, and is me saying hello to it, and doing a bit of training. After all, it needs to know who the boss-ess is.

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