Happy Valley

By HappyValley

Standing alone stones

Early shift at work soon finished and I was on my way home again...YAY!

We are hoping that the house will feel a little warmer from now as we had loft insulation installed today and the bit of cavity wall that we have too. Funny seeing a big thick snuggly duvet in the loft...Hope it does it's job.

Early evening saw me & Porridge Wog heading out to Miss Emmy's to eat cake and celebrate Sonja's 12th Birthday. On the way home again and stuck for a blip, we stopped at the stones of Stenness. It's the first time since the tourist season started that I have driven past and seen not a soul there. Alas I had to be quick as a) it was cold and b) as soon as I got the camera out some more people arrived!

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