Down At Heel

Sorry to inflict this unpleasant sight on you, but I appear to have added another "-itis" to my growing list of ailments: the latest is the wonderfully-named plantar fasciitis.

The plantar fascia is, it turns out, a band of tissue linking the heel to some bones in the middle of your foot and when it gets inflamed it becomes very painful, as I can testify, resulting in random hobbling, mild expletives and the tendency to play wayward golf shots(at least, that's what I'm blaming the latter on!)

I've got another sheet of exercises to add to the ones for my back and dizzy turns and a referral to a podiatrist: I'm hoping they'll prescribe copious amounts of alcohol as a cure.

I've just noticed that one of the exercises involves rolling the sole of your foot on a drinks can, so it's looking promising!

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