
By TBay

The laundrette !

Miss T bay is not very well and as a result of this I have volunteered to do the washing!! I think I may be busy for a few days!

Mr Tbay and myself have just returned from visiting his Mum who is currently in hospital. This takes us just over two hours to get there to visit! His mum is 90 and has now been in the hospital for 10 days now after a fall in the night at her home. She is so desperate to get out but until they are sure she is fit enough to leave they are not letting her retun. They always say it never rain but it pours. Currently this does seem to be the case.

Farming - Dung hauling to day at two different farm today.we had a new driver today who very unfortunately slipped during the afternoon session and cut his hand open resulting in A &E visit! No serious damage but needed four stitches. Two on compost hauling.

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