Daffodil Time

My father loved his daffodils and use to show them and he became a will known breeder and was known world wide in the Daffodil circles. He had a daffodil named after him.

I still have some of his daffodils but have lost most of his best ones as they were at my house my son rents from me and they just let them get over grown in the past year. I will see if they do flower and dig them up and put into pots as I have no room in our small garden here, which is so sad. I use to keep the garden there looking good but with all my health problems last year just couldn't manage it.

The daffodil, or narcissus, is mentioned several times in Ancient Greece literacy. Then original name for the daffodil was affodyle, which comes from afo dyle-meaning "the one that comes early" The letter 'D' was added to create daffodil because in 1629 daffodils with petals larger than the corona were named bastard narcissus by a scientist named Parkinson. Later they dropped the word bastard, for professional reasons, leaving just the last letter, D.

In the Elizabethan era daffodils were commonly known as Daffodilly, Daffodowndill and Primrose Peereless. Mohammed once said, "He that has two cakes of bread, let him sell one of them for some flowers of the Narcissus, for bread is food for the body, but Narcissus is food of the soul."

An ancient Greek tale says there was once a man named Narcissus, and he was immortal and remained that way until he saw his own reflection. When hunting a woman named Echo saw him and fell in love with him. He denied her and her broken heart killed her. A goddess named Nemesis heard this and lured Narcissus to look into the water, when he did he disappeared and in his place was a yellow flower with five petals and a cup, the corona, containing his tears.

In medieval times Arabs were convinced that the daffodil could cure baldness. In Wales, giving someone a single daffodil was like putting a curse of bad luck on them, you were to bring a bouquet instead.
For more info on the Daffodil.

After a bad night with really bad asthma I think the Prednisone may be starting to work as I am feeling a little better today. Hopefully I am now on the road to recovery. Thank you for all your kind words and best wishes.

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