Tay Ghillie

By challum

It's not all good

A couple of days ago I was extolling the virtues of cycling in that it lets you travel at a speed to see what's going on all around you. One of the sadder aspects though, is that you see just how many things are lying dead at the side of the road after being hit by motor vehicles. Today I cycled down through Haddington to East Linton to Tyninghame and home again. This deer was on the roadside near East Linton and not much further on there was a kestrel - also dead.

It was a pretty overcast day, but fun to be out again and I finally visited Hopetoun Monument - carrying & pushing my bike up the steep footpath. I got home as light rain began to fall. Do the British have an obsession with the weather?

Time now to get the bucket and sponge out to give my steed a clean before tomorrow, when it's going to the doctors to have V-Brakes fitted instead of the almost useless things that are on it at the moment. Although in all fairness it would take something special to bring 16 stones of hurtling cyclist to a stop. Hmmm.... Maybe it's not the brakes after all?!

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