
4years 303days

... For her penultimate nursery day. With her monkey by her side. And my heart beginning to sink just a little that September is arriving.

She had fun at nursery - they were mini beast hunting apparently. And Katie said they talked and drew about feelings. She also complained that there was weird cheese on the potatoes so she wouldn't eat them at lunchtime.

Just to rub salt in the wound of slight sadness a wee bit more, today my baby girl has gone for her first ever friends sleepover. She's only been apart from me one night before, we both hated it although she had fun. Today she is off with her friend from ballet, to a party at the ballet principals house, staying over and spending the day dancing and playing with costumes tomorrow. She was excited, while still giving a lot of cuddles. She said she wanted to go immediately I told her of the invite, despite a few "you can stay home if you want to, it's very ok"... Mummy is Not quite ready for this sleepover lark!

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