
I’ve been to work with Ann all day today and I’ve finally realised that it’s OK for me to have ‘sleep time’ while I’m there.

Ann was the only one in the office today so I lay in the corridor so I could see the office door, the toilet door and the front door. There was nowhere else Ann needed to go. I know I look asleep in this Blip but I was still very alert!

Nobody came to see us today apart from the postie and Ann always goes into the car park to meet him??!! so I’ve had loads of uninterrupted snooze time.

The only thing that worried me a bit was…………………….. Because Ann was by herself I didn’t think I’d get my lunchtime run about in the horse field…………….

……………But guess what?.............. Matt (who’d been working at one of the other 'STAR' units) came back to look after the office while I went for my run about in the field.

I was so pleased that I was getting a run about in the field that I totally forgot to be naughty and jump in the trough??!!

…………….And Ann’s so pleased with me today that I’m getting an extra walk once she’s watched Corrie. Yay!

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