Tarawera Times

By Megl

Spawning rainbow trout

After yesterdays atrocious weather, woke to a really sunny morning.

It was too nice to be inside doing chores so went and visited Laurie at the Lodge, he has been wanting me to pop in with my camera for ages and see the spawning trout.
As it is getting near the end of the season and after yesterdays rain I thought there might not be many in the stream, but couldn't believe my eyes.

There must have been at least 50 in the stream, but Laurie said there would have been at least 200 at their peak. Such a beautiful sight as they flicked around with flashes of red. Not easy to photograph as much of the stream is in the shade, so needed to crank up the ISO which meant a bit of noise, but well worthwhile.

There were a number of images to choose from but really loved this one of a single trout on the sandy bottom, the light reflections creating quite an impressionist view.

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