
By dailyphoto365

Thursday Lunch Location

Spent lunch time whizzing around town doing jobs, that couldn't wait till Satursday, as most of the places would be closed.

This is the view from where I ended up for lunch.

The memorial on the left is for the first World War dead. It is one of many memorials around town. They are currently doing a book, in conjunction, with next years 100 ANZAC aniversary, of all the people named on teh various memorials. Should be interesting, who they ere, and why they are listed on memorials here.

The building in the distance is the Bathhouse. This is where as a child we used to swim. It was an out door swimming pool and was closed in the early 1980's. It had been set to be demolished, as it had been replaced by a more modern facility about 5 km's away.

Fortunately, it had a heritage notice put on it, and a number of years ago, whas done up and reopened. This time as a veru up market fcility for weddings and functions. They have covered in what was the main swimming pool with grass and it can now be covered over as the main function area's.

Smaller pools still operate in the back of the facility, whichs is not widely known by many locals.

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