Marsupium Photography

By magi

without power

The other day I noticed that we must have had a brownout, the clock on the oven was flashing. Yesterday, I checked the logs of the UPS which reported a very unstable power supply. The UPS battery kept coming on hundreds of times. Quite worrying especially as the neighbours haven't noticed anything in particular. The thought that the mice chewed on the cables crossed our minds. Anyway this morning we were woken by a beeping UPS to a total blackout. The entire stairs was affected. Good, so it wasn't the wiring in the flat. The Scottish Power guy came very quickly and fixed the fuse in the stairs. It was totally mangled. Apparently we will get a more modern installation soon.

Funny, this was on my list of emergency blips, today it was an actual one (also before it disappears). Obviously I had an alternative of a nice petrol rainbow.

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