Ici Bruxelles

By bsprout

Anyone for tennis?

Isaac and I were up early as we needed to call school for the GCSE results and then we went to Times Square for a coffee/hot chocolate to celebrate. It was 6.30-am and there were already loads of people up and about. I hung around for a bit as there was a mob of screaming girls waiting for a pop star called Shawn Mendes ( never heard of him) to come out of the Good Morning America studio. I joined the queue as I had my camera with me but I heard he wasn't coming out and so Isaac and I watched some tennis players warming up on a makeshift tennis court in front of the building. Turns out it was Victoria Azarenka and the Bryan brothers who were playing a match with the TV anchors. After we got a few pics, we decided to head back and came across Venus Williams playing tennis with some more news people. it seems as though there was some kind of charity fund raising event going on. A fun way to start the day.

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