Have you got soul?

I have as well as indie, rock and roll, the blues, R&B, new wave, new age, punk, hip hop, garage, folk, jazz, etc etc. If I like a piece of music, I like it, end of story. I'm not interested in labels, but I know so many people who dismiss a particular piece of music because it doesn't fit a certain category. I couldn't live my life that way.

Appointment with a financial adviser this morning. With just 11 years to go before I retire, I thought it was about time I started taking a bit more of an active role in managing my pension pots, savings and investments, otherwise I will be living the life of a hermit when I reach 66, and that is definitely not what I have in mind. Bad move in a way though, as I spent yesterday evening jotting down what money I have where and it suddenly dawned on me that there is enough there to buy a very nice sports car :-)

Matthew is home for a couple of days this weekend as he is best man at Timmy's wedding. It will be nice to see him. I might even have to take a break in the decorating to take him out for a pub lunch. It's hard, but someone has to do it.

Flirted briefly with fame yesterday when one of my pictures appeared on the blipfoto Facebook and Twitter pages. Some truly amazing pictures there, so I felt humbled to be included.

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