A photo pauses the moment

By Lozzy

Back together....

We got home today. Now I have to try and sleep without a lovely nurse doing hourly neuro obs and without the best paediatric team just outside the door. I miss that comforting beep of the monitor. As I write this I am in bed with Alfie on one side of me and Ava on the other. Jon is sleeping in Sophie's room on her bottom bunk.. Maybe by tomor night we will feel able to return to a little more normality but for now we are doing what we need to to try and comfort a few wounds.

I know the long term outlook is to come out of this stronger, and I could potentially believe that might be the case..... perhaps, that is, after the raw memories have scabbed over a little...

He looks lovely in this but reality is it will be a little longer before Alfie is back to his full self.

Welcome home baby boy x

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