Return to the North

By Viking


A bloody annoying day all round really. Weather forecast was for sun although didn't see an awful lot of it the way I went! had toyed with the idea of heading to the Anau where forecast was probably better but I had a few things to do in town. I needed a new memory foam pillow and a couple of other things so went to Invercargill instead.

Did indeed get a few things (well there was a sale on!) Treated myself to a decent iPod/iPhone docking speaker system by Bowers and Wilkins. Saved $300 on it which gives you an idea of how much it still cost - the Z2 is supposed to link up to your wifi so you can play any of your stuff around the house (the plan was to link to my laptop to get some decent sound out my laptop as well as my iPhone. Ho bloody ho - have spent a good two hours farting around with it and can i get it to link to my wifi - can I buggery. Took me two hours to get the iPhone to work when attached to the docking station.

Oh for a techno geek man

Hey ho

Stopped off at Riverton on the way back to do some slow shutter speed shots - all pretty average (this was the best so you can imagine how crap the others were) and also stopped off at Colac bay to catch the nutty surfers. Again all crap so this shot it is for today - tomorrow I promise to try harder

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