
By TynvdB

Morning Silence at the Riverside

First thing in the morning after tea and yoghurt: walking down to the Riverside. This time the direction was Westbound. There, still far away blue spots were opening up in the cloudy sky. The promise of yesterday evening! In my back the sun was warming up now and then. It felt so good to walk at ease and breathe the still summerlike morning air. I realized that today is about the first time I’m again enjoying my riverside walk since the beginning of May.

As I have already told then, radical changes are underway in the meantime. Running up and down after waking up was skipped from my agenda. Also, there has been more than learning from suffering that Bleeding Nose. On summer days it had been either too hot or raining. Not very inviting for a calm morning walk. Never mind, as I said it felt so good to walk at ease my riverside walk. Just as I had taken up making an early Seaside walk in the beginning of August. Now I hope the weather will not play the spoilsport. But perhaps I will walk in the rain again, as Summer is going towards its ending.

It was just on my way back before leaving the riverside, that I made todays photo. First I had scrambled through the nettles to reach the stony border. And there I stood for some time. Gazing over the swift streaming river waters. Reed and grasses were too wet to sit down. Just stay to breathe and look around in wonder. And then after reaching the footway again I saw this “Italian Painting”. Not in praise of Wang Wei, but in remembrance to an unknown German painter who had visited Northern Italy to learn landscaping techniques.

I will try to find out which painter I mean, but I’m sure to find him. Because I felt his being inspired by such view. I felt that unspeakable wonder in this meeting with the Unknowable...This has nothing to do with Nature and Romanticism. What you see is still breathing and echoing that great Unfathomable Riversong: Morning silence at the Riverside.

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