Scott Liddell

By scottmliddell

Not So Simple

Great to meet and chat with a fellow Blipper today. We talked about other stuff but we did chat briefly about BlipFoto and photography.

I remembered how I used to try an sell stock photography. Before I tried, I assumed it was very simple. All you had to do was take pictures of office stuff like CDs and staplers and it would be easy to sell them.

Turns out stock photography is a whole other world. I enjoyed the challenge for a while but have much more fun giving everything away for free. If you'd like to try giving away free stock, there is no better place to start than Morguefile. It's a very friendly community. Caution : once your photos start getting used places it gets quite addictive.

I saw this CD in the house tonight and was reminded of thoughts on stock being simple. One thing is for sure, this photo would never sell!

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