Erinn Letts Photos

By ErinnL


Mia asked to paint this morning. I'm sick of looking at the easel and cleaning those thick brushes that came with it, so we dug out some water colors that Owen got for Christmas from Great-Aunt Sarah. Sarah is our family painter and at the rate Mia is going, she intends to follow in her footsteps. Mia paints every day she is at pre-school. She would paint every day at home if there were endless supplies. Her paintings are usually abstract. Instead of scenes or stories, she enjoys slowly drifting her brush around the paper in different patterns, blending colors. It is quite zen to watch.

Even more interesting to me, however, is how she paints. Mia is definitely favoring her left hand. I find it difficult when I'm trying to teach her how to cut using a knife or a scissors, but she shows way more interest in these fine motor tasks than the boys ever did, so I am patient.

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