From the North

By Tawastian

Sleeping beauty

I spotted Hugo sleeping in my bed once again and of course I wanted to go and photo him - once again. He reacted in no way because he's a big sleepyhead and sleeps at least 16 hours a day - my own little sleeping beauty. :)

Anyway, today I figured out that there's under two weeks until I'm going to dance in the Dances of the Old. The Dances of the Old are a tradition of the second-year students (11-graders) in the Finnish High School. Actually I'm just a first-year student but my precious friend from the second-year class asked me to dance with him (because he had no pair). We have been practicing dancing for five long weeks now; Spinning Waltz, Tennessee Wig Walk, Pompadour, Cicapo, Tango, Wiener Waltz and stuff - and of course our special number! Now I'm a little bit excited and nervous at the same time but I hope that the event's going to be a great success!

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