horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


A Pitcairngreen stop to be precise. Perhaps a slightly hungover post-stag weekend state isn't usually the best in which to contemplate a hilly-ish bike ride, but the nice weather, only a vague notion when everyone else would be heading off, the offer of a part-way lift from Mel, and Perth being the most logical point to take up the offer a mere 30 and a bit miles away, meant that by 9.30 I was on my way in the sunshine.

Had to push it a bit (given I was on the 'slow' bike, and weighed down by the saddlebag - though I'd left the heavy heavy pannier with Iain to take back to Edinburgh for me), but made it to the rendez-vous 15 minutes early.

I can safely say that for the majority of its length Sustrans route 77 is a cracking ride (the shared use few miles are a bit more annoying). Lovely way to round off the weekend, as was an afternoon out in the garden, and now cocktails while waiting for pizza to arrive.

The stag, meanwhile, apparently retired to bed 'ill' on return. Which is as it should be.

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