Life is there for living.

By Jumumford

Having a fantastic, relaxing break

This holiday is just what the doctor ordered.

Today I went out on my own to have some "me" time. I plugged myself in and was listening to Mary Berry's autobiography whilst taking a 6 mile hike along the Scottish Coast collecting geocaches along the way. It was bliss.

I got back to camp and found my daughter and her best friend playing on the beach. They had been there since 11am and it was now gone 5pm. It was great to watch them digging holes in the sand, doing handstands and generally having fun on the beach. They had a full day of no iPads or mine craft!

After dinner the girls emerged from their bedroom complete with straight hair and makeup. They looked so grown up as they declared that they were off to the park.

We then had visitors (The Shaikhs) and spent the evening playing charades. What a laugh!!

I'm off to bed now to snuggle down with my chick lit book. Night night all.

Picture: photo taken in Ardrossan earlier today on my wall.

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