With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The twelve tasks of Foxterix

I found some wild boar in Lidl a while ago and I was waiting to roast it on a fire in the mountains to give to hungry young warriors. I'd defrosted it ready, but we went to Magalluf instead, so we had jabali for tea on a Monday.

You are a wild boar, a wild boar! You are a wild boar has become a bit of a catchphrase in this household since AKHF and MV gave us Asterix one Christmas. I hope I'm not one.

With Herculean tasks to be completed before the elders of the tribe escape to Leon on Thursday, powerful proteins were a necessity.

I didn't really know this as a child, other than some of the books. A favourite from this has to be the search amidst bureaucracy.

Finally, Big Agu got some great news today. He got a 9 (out of 10) for his Herculean task, an online course in hotel management and marketing from Salamanca University. Second (at least) in the year. He was a very dedicated student, which was no mean task whilst working full time. I'm very proud of him.

EDIT OOps, it was Sevilla not Salamanca. Wild boar obviously not powerful enough for me :)

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