
Yap I was.
The walkers today joined teams and visited some local spots on farms which meant I was missed out of the group. Grumpth! A No Dog Day.
I should have suspected the worst when The Boss wanted to play ball with me instead of fiddling with his Ipad after grub this morning and sure enough when I looked thru the bark door, there he was in the garage putting boots on without the usual chase ME round the Suzz game while trying to pop my harness on. Please understand …it is not that I don’t want to go but this is a game that I have played for years and it is sorta expected. I have certain standards to uphold…right?
Among the places visited was a local bloke who had built a mini hydro station on Waterfall Creek which was not only running his house but selling to the grid too and interestingly enough this Bloke had 2 Donkeys. I have never seen a Donkey but The Boss said they look cute but felt there was a potential problem that needed Canny Scot to rule on.
One of the donkeys was called Noah and the other Jezebel. Now I have no desire to get involved with this lady who came to a very sticky end involving dogs (No I will not even discuss this…Uggg!) but I do wonder if Noah is being lead astray while doing most of the Donkey work.

Stay tuned for the next gripping instalment of “Tussock faces Life” not to be confused with a Blokess called I believe “Paula” who apparently did too. If you are really old enough to remember vote for the Cheese Party…Now!
The properties were all right on the outskirts of town which is a 10 minute walk from the inskirts and it was wonderful (the Boss said) to discover the treasures that lurked there. Like this wonderful misty pond, complete with duck.
The sun did come out later AND I went Blatting too. Thank you for your concern.

Do Duck In

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