
By NamaKris


Apps used to create this photo
1. Camera plus
2. Pixlromatic
3. Distressed FX
4. Image blender

So what is this? A dress I was wearing.

From Sebastian Michaels:
"But there is so much more you can accomplish when you stretch your imagination and begin compositing images together.

In essence, photo-collage consists of taking one or more images and layering them in over another. Often you will extract the main subject of one image and work it in over top of a background you have created. You might even employ layer masks or blend modes (and adjust things like lighting, shadow, and tonal range) to make your composite all the more realistic or compelling.

This kind of work clearly takes more effort than simply running a few effects in an app. But the power behind this approach can hardly be overstated, because what it really does is open up a limitless array of possibilities for your creative expression.

With photo-collage, pretty much whatever you can dream up, you can create.

That is extraordinarily powerful.

And exploring this kind of photo artistry is not only incredibly fun, but also fantastically potent in its capacity to elevate your gifts as a serious artist. Creating imaginative compositions like these will nurture (and then greatly strengthen) your artistic vision."

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