
By Cailleach

Rabbiting on....

In my lovely little pharmacy, we often get some strange requests. Stamps, milk....I've even been asked if we sold suspender belts (though I think he was just a pervert).

Frequently, I find myself having a discussion about echinacea or something similar, only to find out that the customer wants it for their pet, at which point I have to explain that we're not licensed to sell human medicines for animal usage, and that they'll have to consult a vet. Or a psychiatrist....

I had a lovely chat yesterday with a delightful lady from Spain, who spoke only a few words of English. She was very pleased when I spoke to her in mangled Spanish, and I was sure that between us, we'd discover what she wanted. She told me that she had a problem with her conejo, which as any student of Spanish knows, is a bunny.

I told her, as best I could, that we couldn't sell medicines for animals. She seemed confused, which made me doubt my linguistic abilities. She repeated that her conejo wasn't well. I insisted it needed a vet. She appeared to be even more mystified, at which point I may have done some bunny hops around the shop floor.

Well I won't describe to you the mime she resorted to, but suffice to say, it became quickly apparent that the Spanish use the word conejo colloquially, in much the same way that we use the word, um, cat.....

By the end I don't know what was burning more - my face, or her conejo....

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