
By LaKwAtSeRa

Sloth appearance number 4...

Today is another UK Bank Holiday. Apparently the last one before Christmas (i heard this from the radio this afternoon). It was a very wet one and I pity those who have looked forward to spending a day off from work and planned on an outdoor activity.

I was thankful as well since i didnt decide to cycle to uni today. Yesterday i was having second thoughts (or got a bit lazy) on cycling but i did it anyway.

Got to do a good amount of work today. I was able to get pass through a difficult hurdle in my code today. Still a long way to go but it is just a matter of time before i finish my code and start running experiments again :)

I didnt get a chance to take an interesting photo today since it was raining all day. So here is Doodie once again. Previous appearance was last May 23, 2014. Fourth time to appear in my blip. It will have a new home by the end of this week :)

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