Keep On Blipping

By Stelhel1

Waste of Time!

The plan for today was to go to Stonehaven, meet Mr H and go to the solicitor to sign the last of the paperwork. Unfortunately the person we were meeting with forgot to put the appointment in her diary, we waited for 20 minutes before being told that not only had she forgotten about the appointment, but she hadn't yet drafted the paperwork for us to sign. Needless to say this did not make Mr H (who had driven back from Aberdeen) or myself very happy. Hopefully the relevant paperwork is going to be dropped into us this evening. It doesn't exactly fill you with confidence (aargh!).
On the plus side Mr H and I headed to The Ship Inn for a light lunch, before he went back to work.
My blip is of the beach at Stonehaven, taken before our non existent appointment!

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