Tower of London poppies

Went to London with my friend Jo (I have a lot of friends called Jo, there seems to be a lot of Jo's around), mainly to see the poppies at the Tower of London, but also to have a wander round and have a generally lovely day, which we more than succeeded in doing!

The poppies are really quite stunning. I have already ordered a couple, one of me and one for my dad's Christmas present (part of) as his grandfather (my great-grandfather, therefore) was killed during the First World War. We do do stuff like this really well though, I think.

After taking them in, we walked across Tower Bridge and then along the South Bank to Westminster, taking in Borough Market (all those years in London and had never been - what a vibrant place), Southwark Cathedral (again, had never been but how beautiful), the Shard (didn't go up - this time), lunch at Bill's near the Prison Museum, the South Bank's Festival of Love, a circus (which, frankly, was rubbish), and then walked over Westminster Bridge.

Walked up to Buck House, strolled through St James's Park, up to Trafalgar Square and then through Covent Garden. It started raining in Monmouth Street so we jumped in a cab back to St Pancras to come home. Feet were killing me but heart and brain were happy!

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