
By shy

My Strat

I think I should explain the kitchen situation alluded to in yesterday's blip.

We have a little two-up-two-down terraced house in Manchester which I use during the week when I'm working up here.

One of the first tasks after moving in was to take the existing kitchen down to the dump. The main bedroom was decorated for sleeping in and the second bedroon was made habitable and converted into a kitchen. I suppose the word "kitchen" is stretching a point - it consists af a kettle, a microwave, a small table, a tiny two-ring electric hob, a single bed, a sofa, telly, computer. The bed is covered in pots and pans (hardly ever used); a vegetable steamer (never used) and three volumes of yellow pages (one for each year I've been there). These are also never used. I have no phone.

The real kitchen suffered from a bit of damp (a lot really), and the idea was to replace the floor.
Because I was so busy at work, Flick volunteered to dig up the old floor (why not? she made a bloody good job of taking the plaster off all the downstairs walls) which turned out to be mud plus a huge six inch slab of concrete.
Obviously, she didn'd do it on her own - Ed was there, and he made cups of tea and shouted encouragement as Flick swung the pickaxe,; but after a morning's work she didn't get far.

Luckily, I was able to save the situation when I came home at lunchtime. I went straight our and hired her a Kango Hammer. She made short work of it after that.

The kitchen floor has now been tanked, insulated and concreted to better than building regs standard, and now awaits the floor covering.
The idea was to cover this with parquet flooring, and indeed, Flick has got enough reclaimed top-grade oak flooring (e-bay) to do the job.

I've worked out that there isn't enough room between the top of the concrete and the bottom of the door to fit it!
So it stays as concrete.
The new kitchen units (e-bay) are neatly stacked in the living room, waiting for either the flooring to shrink or the concrete to sink down a quarter of an inch.

Neither have budged.

Meanwhile, I live upstairs with my guitar (blipped) and do the washing-up in the shower.

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