
By davidc

Shaggy Inkcap ("Lawyer's Wig") Toadstools

I was out running this morning and came across these rather excellent toadstools by the roadside. It was a good excuse to stop and get my breath back(!) and photograph them. I only had my phone with me as a camera but it has done a reasonable job of capturing them.

What I know about toadstools could be written on the back of a postage stamp in large capital letters, but Professor Google seems to suggest that they are Shaggy Inkcaps, aka Lawyer's Wigs (or Coprinus comatus if you are posh). There are more details here. According to that link they are edible but I don't intend to test that out ;)

Best viewed large.

PS My wife has just seen this photo, and thinks the smaller toadstools on the right look like little baby owls, the dirt seeming to give them faces. How cute!

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