
After Saturday's abortive attempt at practising city photography before our holiday, I nipped into town before work to have another go.

I've been browsing through my various photography books, picking out useful hints and tips, one of which was to focus on details. I liked the repeating pattern made by these windows. The height of the building and the narrowness of the street meant that I was always going to get a bit of a 'lean', but I've corrected the worst of it. Standing back and zooming in just isn't an option!

Once again, thank you for the lovely comments on yesterday's very colourful image. I was happy with the composition but, not for the first time, felt it needed to be sharper (and I'm not talking about the pencils!!) However, I've realised what the problem is!

I know (but rarely remember) that minimum shutter speed is related to focal length, but what I didn't know is that the sensor's crop factor also needs to be taken into account. I have a Canon, which has a sensor crop factor of 1.6. Now I get it. I need to use much, much faster shutter speeds. Apologies if this sounds a bit 'lecture-ish', but typing it out will help me to remember it.

I am considering having a tattoo on the back of my hand, which will read:
Minimum shutter speed = 1 / (focal length x 1.6)

Only joking :-)

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