
By wanderscot

Good advice from a very smart bench

I have rarely seen graffiti that has caused me to smile so much as this.

Don't get me wrong, I think that graffiti is one of the most creative, contemporary and often thought provoking art forms around. I have the greatest respect for those phantoms that paint our gray world with rainbow colours in the night, having stolen an opportunity for expression.

[Tagging, incidentally, can be considered the human equivalent of that animalistic nature of marking territory, serving no greater function than a boost to the egos of those that roam the streets without purpose.]

The reason this made me smile so much is that it is unexpected. Whoever had the opportunity to paint in wet cement may not have had much time to leave their permanent mark on this rural walk along the river Forth. And what they chose to impart, and literally make concrete, has greeted me at a time when I needed to read it most.

Also, back blipping like crazy as I am wireless-less at the moment - yesterday - day before yesterday

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