
Didn't really get much sleep wondering if we would be looking for Jimmer on our way to the airport.
Ye of little faith :) We both had sore heads and neither of us wanted to go home.
It was all smooth apart from me and my airport maneuvers. Got bothered on the way in and the out oh well just doing there job.
Good flight but not great to be back....
"All move to the back of the bus" said the guy at Gatwick....give it a rest mate we are not a herd of animals grrr..
Made my way to Waterloo and jumped the early train because the guy said I could then got told off because I wasn't allowed really but he would let me off this time....thanks very much Mr jobs worth... All this was adding to the not wanting to be home. Guess that is a sure sign of a good holiday :))
Spent the evening with B & S and stayed at Steve's....

I was glad to kick my shoes off at the end of the day

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