Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Wriggly, giggly...

It was Max's Daddy's birthday today so we all went to Zizzis in Newcastle for lunch.

Ali isn't as photogenic as baby Max so he was blown out of camera shot. Step Granny Carol hogged Max and got all his hugs, kisses, baby snot, slaver and three times eaten banana delight, mango surprise and soggy bread sarny. She seemed quite pleased about it. Maxxy wriggled and giggled and generally loved being the centre of attention.

When four attractive young girls joined the table behind us Max went all 'look at me, touch me I'm real'. His Daddy's boy for sure. Jen just shook her head in disbelief, Ali picked up the debris off the floor and I dodged bits of orange rusk every time Max shouted "OI" at them. The miserable waiter went about his work.

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