S1 - Another Day

By S1

Coffee break

This morning CJ started at the local playgroup. As it was the first session, I stayed with him for a little while and then, once it was clear he was happy, I tentatively went away for an hour. When I went back to collect him, it was clear that he hadn't even noticed I'd gone as he was having so much fun with the different activities and playing with all the toys! I'm really glad he liked it!

Then we headed off to Portobello with Nan Be for some lunch at our favourite cafe and soft play. Despite running around all morning, CJ still had plenty of energy and zoomed around the climbing frame and down the slide - only stopping to have a coffee (Babycino) break with us - or more correctly we had to have a drink when he wanted one (you have to love it when toddlers want to do something, but will only do it when "copying" you)!

After lunch Nan Be took CJ for a walk in the buggy, while I had a hair cut. The idea was a that he may sleep - but they found the beach so there was little chance of a nap happening after that!

Then it was back home to play in the garden and on the slide, before heading over to the national trust park for an evening walk once S2 arrived home!

After such an busy day, CJ was then definitely ready for stories and bed!

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