Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

1000 Blips

Apparently this is my 1000th blip. I didn't plan it ... I have been horribly inactive with blip as of late and am just now playing catch up. It is August 29th and I was nearly 2 months behind. I've still been taking photos, but I just haven't had the heart to put them up. Mr. Badger gets upset when I get behind and since he is my #1 fan, I am trying to rectify that. I am not even sure what has happened to make me so lazy with posting my blips. Maybe it is stagnation, maybe it is all the other stuff going on in my life atm, maybe I am just in one of those slumps where I feel like everything I do is crap. Probably all of those reasons and more. Either way, I think this was always a good outlet for me and I need to work on being timely. Now I just need to catch up on another month+ of blips!

Corra in a great action shot is really perfect for my 1000th blip. Not sucking at action shots was one of my goals when I started out with learning about cameras. And Corra certainly loves being my model <3

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