View from my window

By skiesnsunsets


We seem to have been on the go all day today, which is not really a bad thing. Working on admin stuff this morning which we didn't finish so will need to try and get that done tomorrow so we can go on holiday on Monday. Managed to get through to the doc's surgery this morning (not an easy feat) and she rang me back. Yay - I have some muscle relaxants to help with the long journey to Cornwall next week. I was getting quite anxious about it but she was great. Hopefully that will help make the journey a little more comfortable. Set off for emergency appointment at the pain clinic just after lunch and realised we hadn't picked up prescription from docs, so detoured and got that sorted as they shut early on Fridays. We were only a little bit late for the appointment. I had the trigger point therapy and it does seem to have helped a bit. His nibs wanted to pick up some embroidery threads he needed for one of the granchildren's birth samplers (only a year late!). He's the cross-stitch buff in our house.

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