Looking Forward...

By Fiono


It was nice to be sitting across from mum and dad for dinner again today. Unfortunately we didn't have the best experience in the restaurant we went to. I really should get into the habit of using trip advisor. It's what it's there for!

After a very dry week at work it was great to get the news today that I would be starting a smaller project next week which means I'll finally get into the lab after a month of sitting at a desk doing paperwork. It has been a valuable lesson in patience. This is to keep me occupied until my main project for the year is ready to go. I finally get to wear my lab coat and it won't be for a site tour!

After work I showed mum, dad and my sister Hilary my apartment; we had the disappointing evening meal out and then went to the open air cinema to watch Philomena. We needed the bright orange ponchos this time!

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