Fourth Grade Friends

We were up early....and out the door. Well....after I took a few photos. I always have to document the first day of school in a traditional manner. I'm very crazy like that.

Sugar was happy to get to school and see all of her friends. I got several great shots of her and her friends. They seem to be excited to be back together again.

I had to look for a new spot to take a photo of Sugar for our traditional collage. I found one....and made the collage. You can see it HERE! It's always fun to see what she has to say about her favorites. The music ones were hard for her. She is really into music right now!

She had a great day at school, and when I picked her up she had tons of things to tell me. We met some friends for ice cream, and it was delightful to see them chit chatting away like little hens. chirp, chirp, chirp!

We got home in time to snuggle the bunnies, have dinner, and fall into bed.

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