New Board Old dude

By BOBTaskforcepro

All The Young Dudes

Heading towards the River Forth looking West towards Stirling.

Its been a busy few days as I have had a report to write for work and which meant getting home late. So this is the first time this week I managed to catch a bit of daylight before getting home. As this was the case i thought I would have a quick wander along the farm road towards the river, help freshen the head a bit as I have been a bit knackered doing the extra work.
Rather than parking at the house, there is a two car parking area next to the fields that I walk through (there is a road, I dont just walk all over the mud and the emerging crops). On my arrival at the mini carpark I discovered that both spaces had been taken but by one car. A young dude and his girlfriend had decided that the sunset was a nice view as well, unfortunately for them I turned up and told them to move so I could park as well. So he did without hesitation, which was nice. I also noticed he was smoking and I did consider advising him about the detrimental effects that smoking has on your health. But I did think this might be taking things a bit far and maybe once I returned from my walk, my car may had suffered some detrimental effects from me getting him to move AND giving him a quick 'health chat'. So I stayed shtum.

Anyway, off I plodded in search of a quick blip with a bit of evening sunlight. As I had mentioned already there is a road that runs between the fields and as I headed along it, bombing along it towards me was a farm machine thing with big spikes at the front of it. At the helm was another young dude, with no perception of how close he nearly hit me as I dodged to the small patch of grass just off the road. 'Plonker' was deemed to be the appropriate word at the time, as he looked out of his rear window im sure he caught it at least by lipreading and the look of annoyance on my face, I think he realised that maybe he should have slowed down.

After that near miss I continued on my jaunt to the bottom of the fields where the road splits and heads towards the river. It was at this point I realised that my belly was groaning and that to go any further meant no food for even longer. So I took a quick couple of blips and made my way back to the car. About half way along the road I looked over my shoulder and noticed in the not to far distance a jogger heading towards me. Thinking nothing of it I continued on my way. Only to hear shouting from the unknown young jogger dude as he got closer. "Hey you", he said as he got even closer (still jogging towards me). "Hey what di ye think yer dain takin photies o me sitting doon"
Whilst taking my last blips of the day I noticed there was someone (a bit away) by the field, I naturally assumed they were involved in the agricultural industry in some way and hadnt really paid any attention to what they were doing. "Whit ye dain like, eh?" (Aggression written across his face). At this stage, inside me a growing feeling that this could go a bit radio rental. So I adopted my own aggressive stance and smiled and walked towards him "I was taking some photographs of the beautiful sunset, how is that no aloud these days?" That confused him! "aw aw awright, is that whit ye wur dain awright pal, cheers!" And off he headed, back to his sitting, presumably. I did look round every 10 yards or so just in case he had a change of mind and wanted to attack, stab etc. Once he was a safe enough distance away I felt comfortable again and my thoughts returned to my veggie shepherds pie I had made last night and was having second helpings of tonight. Mmmmmm.

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